DIATOMIC aims to establish a sustainable ecosystem to facilitate innovation in Advanced Microelectronics (AME) and Smart System Integration (SSI). The project supports the sectors health, agrifood and manufacturing, all of which are under-digitized and of prime importance for society and the economy.
The DIATOMIC ecosystem provides access to funding, technology, business support and more in digital connecting innovations.
At the heart of the ecosystem, three interconnected Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) pulsate to accelerate digitalization which consider sector-specific needs. The DIHs will enable delivery of AME/SSI-based applications to a critical mass of customers.
DIATOMIC DIHs will offer:
Companies that want to participate and get funding up to 100.000 € can apply via two calls from March to July 2018 and from September 2018 to January 2019. More information will be provided on the project website.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 761809.