Current News



German premiere for European Robotics Forum

Over 1,300 attendees from research, industry, and politics, with more than 60 sponsors and an extensive program on robotics and artificial intelligence (AI): The European Robotics Forum (ERF) of euRobotics and with Fraunhofer IPA as scientific partner will take place in Stuttgart's Liederhalle from March 25-27, 2025.



Dieter Schwarz Foundation and Fraunhofer to Strengthen Heilbronn as a Robotics Research Hub

With the help of the funding from the Dieter Schwarz Foundation, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft will significantly expand its existing activities in Heilbronn.



Sensitive Arm Prostheses

A quantum sensor that can register nerve impulses without contact opens up new possibilities in prosthetics. Researchers at Fraunhofer IPA are developing together with the industrial partner Q.ANT the prototype of one Prosthetic arm that is controlled by neural commands like healthy limbs.



Carbon Nanotubes: a blessing or a curse?

Many decision-makers find it difficult to realistically assess the opportunities and risks of carbon nanotubes, or CNTs for short. A white paper by Fraunhofer IPA and other experts provides the necessary background – understandable even for non-experts.

“interaktiv online“ – The news platfrom of Fraunhofer IPA


Fraunhofer benefits from momentum of spin-off founders

Fraunhofer IPA in Stuttgart occupies a leading position across Europe in technology transfer through research spin-offs and startups. Communication expert Florian Semle spoke with Institute Director Thomas Bauernhansl on the Institute’s groundbreaking strategy.


Spin-offs – systematically launched

First and foremost, Fraunhofer IPA is a research institute. But: It is also a birthplace for spin-offs. A start-up support team is systematically driving this forward.


The TissueGrinder

An automated miniature mill for sensitive cell tissue enables the extraction of living cells from a tissue sample. The technology was developed at Fraunhofer IPA. This procedure – which has now been outlicensed to the start-up Fast Forward Discoveries GmbH – creates an important prerequisite for personalized medicine.


A day with... Markus Böhm

He started his career as a factory planner almost ten years ago in Iceland. Today, Markus Böhm is developing value stream analysis at Fraunhofer IPA and transferring it to the digital age. “interaktiv” has accompanied the researcher for a day and presents him and his work.

Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA


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Fraunhofer IPA

Nobelstr. 12

70569 Stuttgart

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