Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA
Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA
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Institute Management, Commercial Directorate, and Scientific Directorates
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Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Bauernhansl
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Kfm. Alexander Sauer
Dr. rer. nat. Michael Hilt MBA
Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Volker Kübler
Networks and Cooperations
Facts and Figures
Lead and Future Topics
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Adding Value through Biointelligence
Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing
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Reviews of AI and ML books by Marco Huber
Services and expertise
Cooperation formats
Dependable AI
Digital Transformation
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Battery Manufacture
Frugal Manufacturing Systems
Lightweight and Functional Coatings
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Services and expertise
Cleanliness in Manufacturing
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Services and expertise
Cleanliness and surface pretreatment in coating technology
Robot Technologies and Services
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Robotics Trends
Services and expertise
Partners and Associations
Human-centered Production Technologies
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Services and expertise
Press and publications
Circular Economy and Carbon-neutral Production
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Resource efficiency
Circular economy
Carbon-neutral production
Resilient Value Creation
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Press and publications
Elements of a resilient value creation system
IPA innovation award
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Clean Technology Award “REINER!”
Wittenstein Biointelligence Award
Laboratories and Testing Facilities
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Robotics Testing Facility
Accredited testing laboratory according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018
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Industry solutions
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Key areas
Research topics
Success stories
Sustainable and efficient: innovative technologies and methods
Flexible and productive: matrix production
Healthy and efficient: assistance systems for people in production
Transformed and competitive: digitizing the supply industry
Electronics and Microsystems
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Key areas
Success stories
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Intelligent energy systems
Hydrogen technologies
Machinery and Equipment Industry
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Key areas
Success stories
Health Industries
Process Industry
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Key areas
Success Stories
Automated Intralogistics, Manufacturing and Assembly Systems
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Additive Manufacturing
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Developing Additive Manufacturing Processes
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Additive Manufacturing Processes with Fiber-reinforced Materials
Additive Manufacturing Processes for Ceramic Materials
Additive Manufacturing Processes for Plastics
Automating Additive Processes
Hybrid Process Chains
Digital Printing Technologies
Order Management and Value Networks
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Supply Chain Management
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Supply Chain Organisation and Optimization
Value Cycles
Supplier Management
Supply Logistics
Inventory Optimization
Lean Order Management
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Order and Product Configuration
Variant Management
Change Management
Production and Logistics Management
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Production Planning and Control
Master and Transaction Data Management
Production Control
Cycle-Orientated Production
On-Site Logistics
Intralogistics 4.0
IT Solutions
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Selection, Implementation and Optimization of IT Systems
IT Products and Tools
Quick Check Order Management
Coating Systems and Painting Technology
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Pigments and Coatings
Applied Coating Technology
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Initial material sampling in compliance with DBL 7381.10 as part of the WEB 2020+ process
Further testingservices
Analytics and Material Testing
Wet Application and Simulation Technology
Powder Application Technology
Painting Process Engineering
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Paint shop planning
Test method development
Climate neutrality, CO2 footprint & environmental protection
Painting process optimization
Testing and sampling
Paint and paint-related approval tests according to OEM specifications
Digital Hospital
Machine Vision and Signal Processing
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Cooperation formats and services
AI for quality assurance and automation
2D image processing
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Image Processing Software EMSIS
Surface Inspection
Inspecting Threads
3D image processing
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Fit methods
3D object recognition
Virtual assembly
Segmentation Method
Non-destructive testing
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Computed tomography (CT)
Condition monitoring and quality forecasting
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Plastic Injection Molding
Ultrasound Welding
Functional Surfaces
Faster Start-Up Times
Energy Monitoring
Motion analysis for optimizing processes
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Data-driven User Needs Assessments
Classifying Hand and Arm Movements
Motion Analysis for Quality Assurance
Human Safety - Recognizing Falls and Emergencies
Image simulation and virtual measurement planning
Biomechatronic Systems
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Physical Assistance Systems
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Digital Biomechanics - Model-Based Evaluation and Optimization
Intuitive Interaction with Body-Worn Technology
Development of wearable mechatronic systems
Applied Biomechanics
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Additive Orthopedics
Biomimetics in Medical Engineering
In-Silico Orthopedics
Test Systems for Body Worn Products
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3D Test Systems
Gait Simulation & Prosthetic Foot Testing
Testing Orthoses & Footwear
Radar Technology for Smart Surveillance and Environmental Sensing
Motion Control Systems
Occupational Exoskeletons
Cyber Cognitive Intelligence (CCI)
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Dependable AI
Autonomous Planning and Decision-making
Data-efficient AI
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Physics-Informed Machine Learning
Data-efficient Reinforcement Learning
Quantum Computing
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Theses on the topic of quantum computing
Quantum Optimization
Quantum Machine Learning
Application areas of quantum computing
DigITools for Manufacturing
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Software Development Process
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Specific Project Details
Development Processes
Development Tools
Methods for implementing digital production
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Planning methods for digital transformation
Shaping the production work of the future
Maturity Assessment – How digitally mature is your company?
Industry Energy Systems
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Electrical Supply
Smart Compressed Air Systems
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Smart Compressed Air Systems Laboratory
Heating and Cooling
Factory Planning and Production Management
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Factory Planning and Intralogistics
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Planning Changeable Factories
Site Roles and Production Networks
Validating Factory Plans and Rapid Plant Planning
Visualizing the Strategic Factory Vision
Planning Support
Jump Start Factory Planning
Value Stream Design and Lean Production
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Value Stream Mapping and Design
Value Stream Simulation
Energy Value Stream Analysis
Optimizing space usage with value stream design
Data value stream and lean information logistics
Planning Assembly Operations
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Process Planning and Assembly Design
Workplace Design and Resource Planning
Modular Matrix Assembly
Support with Implementation and Start-Up
Digital Transformation in Assembly
LeanDA - AI-Based Process Transparency Using a Modular Sensor System
Planning Manufacturing Systems
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Optimization of Operating States
Value Chains Optimization
Product and Value Design
Methods and Tools for Industrie 4.0
Capacity and Availability in Linked Systems
Model-Based Simulation of Manufacturing Systems
DesignChain - Automating the CAx process chain
Traceability: Implementing the necessary technology to trace product components and process steps
Data-based optimization of manufacturing processes
Autonomous Production Optimization
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Finding the Root Cause of Quality Impairments
Identifying Optimal Setting Parameters
Data-Based Analysis of Manufacturing Equipment
Training Courses on Data-Driven Optimization
Operational excellence in production and logistics
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Manufacturing excellence
Lean production logistics
Transparency in factory operations
Managing production complexity
Lean Management
Functional Materials
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Electrode Manufacturing
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Electrode Materials and Simulation
Slurry Processing
Electrode Coatings
Drying Process
Characterizing Batteries and Supercapacitors
Formulation and Functionalization
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Synthesis of Metallic Nanoparticles
Functionalized Nanomaterials for Composites
Synthesis of Nanocarbon and 2D Materials
Development of Processes for Synthesizing Hybrid Materials
Electrode Materials for Energy Storage Systems
Composite Simulation
Application Technology
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Model Factory for Functional Coatings
Printed Actuators Based on Electroactive Polymers (EAPs)
Printed Electronics
Printed Electronic Applications and Energy Storage Systems
Printed Transparent Conductive Films
Printed Heating Layers
Automating and Digitizing Laser Welding Processes
Our Services
Technology seeks users: Smart Pipe
Bonding - Sealing - Contacting: Failure Analysis
EAP - Electroactive Polymers
Smart Steel Technology: Graphene Rich Primer
Dispersion Technology
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Paste and slurry production
Dispersions for heating elements
Microcapsule-based systems for repair processes of highly conductive coatings
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Electroplating Laboratories
Process Development in Electroplating
Electroplating Plants
Defects on Electroplated Surfaces
REACH Authorization
Laboratory Automation and Biomanufacturing Engineering
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Automated Cell and Tissue Culture
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Single Cell Handling
Cell Culture Analysis and Control Technology
Cell and Tissue Production for Screening Applications
Cell Therapy
Laboratory and Process Assessment - Digitalization and Automation Solutions in the Context of Laboratory 4.0
Liquid Handling and Related Robotics
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Pipetting Robotics
Nano Dispensing Technology
Handling Solid Biological Samples
Automated Laboratory Devices and Systems
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Planning and Design
Process Adaption, Process Development, Validation
Laboratory IT
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Device Drivers
SiLA Test Site
Data Analysis
ADAPT: Automated and decentralized ATMP production technologies at Fraunhofer IPA
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RNAuto - Automated production technologies mRNA-derived vaccines, gene and cell therapeutics
Solid CAR-T: Modular mini-factories for autonomous CAR-T cell production
Reallabor: Establishment of a real laboratory for the modular automated production of advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs)
ICON project Designer NK: Designer natural killer cells for allogeneic cancer immunotherapy
Show Area
Lightweight Construction Technologies
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Lightweight Design
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Design of fiber composites
Design methods
Parametric optimization and parameter studies
Topology optimization
Machining and Cutting Technologies
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Coating Technology
Cooling and Lubrication Systems for Processing FRP
Robot-Assisted Machining
Machining Processes for Lightweight Materials
Simulation of Machining Processes
Ultrasonic-Assisted Machining
Clamping and Handling Technologies
Sawing Technologies
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Machines and Machining Processes
Parent Wheel Design and Optimization
Ultrasonic Sawing
Joining Technologies
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Friction Stir Welding
Bonding Circular Saw Blades
Robotic Drilling and Riveting
Health Protection and Dust & Chip Extraction Technologies
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Extraction Technology for Dry Machining Processes
Dust Emission and Machine Resistance
Extraction Systems for Welding and Soldering Fumes
Quality Assessment and Process Quality
Sustainable Production and Quality
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Resource-Efficient Material Flows
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Systems for managing hazardous substances
Substance prohibition and restriction
Quality Management
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Quality Function Deployment
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
Risk Management for Medical Devices
Functional Safety
Design of Experiments
Failure Process Matrix (FPM)
Maintenance and Asset Management
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AS-IS Analysis of Maintenance and Identfication of Potentials
Reorganizing and Optimizing of Maintenance
Assuring the Availability of Production Systems, Machines and Equipment
Maintenance Controlling and Key Performance Indicator Systems
Smart Maintenance
Ultraclean Technology and Micromanufacturing
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Cleanliness Technology
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Technical Cleanliness
Contamination Measurement
Cleanliness in Life Sciences
Planning Ultraclean Systems
Chemical Cleanliness
Cleaning technology
Cleanliness-Suitable Equipment and Components
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Vacuum Tribology
Cleanroom Certification
Equipment Design & Hygienic Design
Cleanroom-Suitable Materials
Cleanliness-Suitable Consumables
Airflow Simulation and Visualization
Industrial Alliance »Cleanroom Suitable Consumables« (CSC)
CAPE® – Flexible, Portable Cleanroom System
2ndSCIN® – Enabler for Cleanliness-Critical Automation Technology
Precision Assembly and Application Technologies
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Handling and Feeding
Application Technology for Viscous Media
Hybrid Manufacturing
System Miniaturization and Modularization
Positioning, Joining and Integration
Clean Automation Technology
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Data Analysis, Visualisation and Interaction
Cleanliness-suitable handling of sensitive products
Sustainable development processes
Test environment for industrial communication
Robot and Assistive Systems
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Safe Robot Applications and Cobots
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Safety technologies and tools
Trainings, Consulting, Feasibility
Test Benches
Universal Safety Framework
Intralogistics and material flow
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Separation Processes Using Robots: Bin-Picking
Cable-Driven Parallel Robots
Gripper Systems
Welding and Machining
Assembly Automation
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Assembly Processes and Tools
Sensor-Controlled Assembly
Safe Human-Robot Collaboration with Assistive Robots
Automatic Component Analysis with NeuroCAD
Analysis of Automation Potentials in Assembly Processes
Automation Potential Analysis (APA)
Workshop "Design for Disassembly"
Industrial and Commercial Service Robots
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Service Robots for Production
Robots for Retail Logistics
Cleaning Robots
Service Robots for Inspection and Maintenance
Service robots for Agriculture
Household and Assistive Robotics
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Household Robots for the Consumer Market
Assistive Robots for the Demographic Change /AAL
Robots for Assisting with Care Tasks in Nursing Homes and Hospitals
Rehabilitation Robots
Entertainment Robots
Service Robot Technologies
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Mobile Manipulation
3D Image Processing
Drive Concepts
Lightweight Robots and Soft Robotics
Safe Human-Robot Interaction
Software Engineering and Systems Integration
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Open Source in Robotics
Software Tools for the Simple Programming
Planning and Development of Robot Systems
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System Design
Feasibility Studies
Simulation of Robot Systems and Material Flows
Drafting of User Requirements and Technical Specifications
Optimization of Existing Systems
Accuracy enhancement for robotic systems
Safety Systems for Industrial Robots
Center for Cognitive Robotics
Cooperation formats
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Use of robots
Cooperation in ecosystems
Technology transfer and licensing
Robot optimization
Robotics Week at Fraunhofer IPA
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#1 The perfect grip – AI Picking
#2 Cable Robotics: Motion simulations at the highest level
#3 ROS-Industrial: free software tools drive robotics forward
#4 APA - door opener to successful automation
#5 CARA – four steps to safe cobot deployment
#6 Robot-assisted assembly and disassembly
Corporate Strategy and Development
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Business Transformation
Business Model Development and Innovation
Process Innovation
Platform-based added value
Value Transformation
Corporate Entrepreneurship
Digital healthcare
Biointelligent Production
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Fields of Application for Biointelligent Production
Biointelligent technologies
Sustainable System Design
Energy Technologies
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Types of cooperation
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Joint research
Venture partnership
Transfer workshops (including tour)
Training programs
Project formats
Industry on Campus
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Application Center Industrie 4.0
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Public open day at the Application Center Industrie 4.0
Strategic cooperations
Project-based assignment
Test environment
Future Work Lab
Sheet Metal Processing of the Future
nICLAS – Innovation Center for Laboratory Automation Stuttgart
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nICLAS Community
nICLAS Academy
nICLAS Reference Lab
nICLAS Future Lab
Fraunhofer Project Center for Smart Manufacturing in Shanghai
Center for Particle Technology
Dispersing Technology Center
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Cooperations and strategic partnerships
Technical facilities and laboratory conditions
Innovation philosophy
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Reference projects
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Productivity improved by up to 20% through new works structure at Elektror airsystems gmbh
Digital services optimize temperature control systems at gwk
Increase in OEE of 10% for existing systems at SCHOTT
BIOTRAIN – pilot survey on biologically transforming industrial added value
ROBOTT-NET - Technology boost for robotics
euRobotics AISBL (Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif)
Free navigation for automated guided vehicles (AGVs)
New evaluation model detects productivity potentials between 6 and 10 percent through cycle time reduction of Freudenberg machines
Cleanliness: a leading export - Collaboration with the VDE Global Services Korea
Deep Grasping – artificial intelligence perfects the art of bin-picking
ROSIN – Quality-assured ROS-Industrial software components for use in robotics
"CassaMobile" - the mobile factory
Green Wall Robot – automated, smart green facades
Cleanroom Reliability Equipment Monitoring System (CREMS)
MonSiKo: an adaptive assistance system simplifies assembly in Industrie 4.0 processes
COGNAC – Fraunhofer lighthouse project “Cognitive Agriculture”
AMU-Bot – Automated mechanical weed control in tree nurseries
Simulation Game Industrie 4.0 at Trumpf
Autonomous navigation for “STR” used in the BMW Group's intralogistics
SelfPaint - The fully automatic painting cell
Hidden OEE potential of 8.6 percent at Adient identified thanks to data-driven analysis of manufacturing equipment
Agile business model transformation at EOS Electro Optical Systems
Hindcon: Producing 3D-printed concrete precast elements
Hephaestus: Cable-driven parallel robots install high-rise façades and façade modules
European Curation and Analysis Facility for Mars Samples
ARAIG – Autonomous robots for assistive functions: basic interactive skills
Knowledge4Retail: Artificial intelligence for retail
Sensor mat for standing workplaces for isoloc Schwingungstechnik GmbH
DIH-HERO – Digital Innovation Hubs in Healthcare Robotics
“DigiBattPro 4.0 - BW” - Digitized Battery Production 4.0
“DeMoBat” - Industrial disassembly of battery modules and electric motors
Dry, low-cost coating technology for battery electrodes for energy-efficient and environmentally friendly production processes (LoCoTroP)
FoFeBat - Research Production Battery Cells Germany
Rob-aKademI – AI simplifies robot programming for assembly tasks
Site Roles for the Global Production Network for Joyson
SOCRATES - Social Cognitive Robotics in the European Society
S3 – Safety sensor technology for service robots in production logistics and inpatient care
Data-driven services in stress test at Atlas Copco IAS GmbH
Digitization strategy for fischer
Fraunhofer IAF: More efficient processes in indirect areas
Methodical approach to the Industry 4.0 strategy at GEA Bock GmbH
More efficiency in process development projects at ebm-papst
RoPHa: Robust perception to interactively support elderly users with manipulation tasks in domestic environments
Deep Picking – AI-driven object picking
ASARob: Attention-Sensitive Assistance Robot
Healthy Air Initiative – Research and advisory program for healthy ambient air
Measuring industrial robots to increase accuracy
KI-noW – artificial intelligence to sustainably optimize value creation
Printed clamping templates
Evaluating paintability by means of fluid-dynamic simulation
PaintVisco: Rheology and paint film flow
OLP Study – Assessment of robot offline programming (OLP) systems
Mobile laboratory for efficient localization of corona hotspots
Where does it make economic sense to use cobots?
“Sort with me!” – An interactive, self-learning handling robot
Luka-Beverage – AI-based mobile handling assistant for beverage logistics
Automatic multi-layer welding on construction sites
Turnkey solution for bin-picking in cooperation with Liebherr-Verzahntechnik GmbH
IT Architecture for digital manufacturing at EJOT
Efficient, flexible and sustainable assembly concept designed at Voith
EASI: Cloud-based, real-time data analysis through simulation and iteration
ISO 16955 Prosthetic Foot Characterization
BMBF Project – ExoHaptik
BMBF Project – ExoPflege
InterOpera - Digital Interoperability in Collaborative Value Industrie 4.0 Networks
SCHOOLPLATE I + II: Vocational training and qualification measures for the electroplating industry in Thailand
Automation Analysis and Concepts on Robots in Aseptic Quality Assurance
ReNaRe - Recycling - Sustainable Resource Ultilization
Data fusion for non-destructive testing methods for fiber reinforced plastics
Transforming a chinese machinery manufacturer into a leading factory for digital and smart manufacturing
Force-controlled assembly of rail mounts with pitasc at WAGO
SeRoNet - A virtual marketplace for users, manufacturers and solution providers
Degrad-EL3-Q – Hybrid quantum computing methods for modeling the degradation of alkaline electrolysers
UV curing guidelines for organic coatings
Influence of plastic additives on the coatings adhesion of add-on parts made of PP materials
Matrix production in flow at the Siemens AG plant in Karlsruhe
Cross-site production concept raises efficiency potential at European Convenience Food GmbH
Value stream based factory planning at TRACOE medical GmbH
Structuring production and optimizing of the area-productivity rate at Diehl Aerospace
Ergonomics and automation in wheel hotels
EFFIROB: Economic feasibility studies on innovative service robot applications
Automated deburring process for turbine parts
Design for Assembly (DfA) based on the example of an electric motor
Remote measurement of body temperature and respiratory rate with “Access Checker”
Fraunhofer IPA supports ramp-up at Kromberg & Schubert in the Corona crisis
PflegeCoDe: Care coaching for optimal support of people with dementia
AMBOS-3D: Assistance system supports workshops for people with disabilities in the packing process
BMBF Project - Aktive-Geh-Interaktion
DIALOG – Learning Island
H2Wood – BlackForest – Biointelligent hydrogen production from wood and waste wood in the Black Forest
Accuracy improvement of cable-driven parallel robots by measuring cable lengths with laser distance sensors (DCLM-Sensors)
Technical due diligence of Digital Robots from fruitcore robotics
Automatic optical inspection (AOI) with machine learning
ELISE – European Network of AI Excellence Centres
ML4Safety - Verifying the suitability of machine learning algorithms for safety-critical functions
veoPipe - Reliable AI in the product development process
Transaction Miner Audit with Experian
AI-based production planning and control
DeKonBot 2: Versatile disinfection robot provides relief for cleaning staff
New EU Project BIOS pushes Industry towards a Biological Transformation
SeRoDi - Service Robotics for Personal Services
End-of-line automation with AI
Digitized order processing and DesignChain for highly efficient, competitive manufacture of special tools at Ceratizit
Analyzing Biointelligence Worldwide »International Benchmark Study InBenBio«
Biointelligent sensor to measure viral activity for therapeutics production: BIOPROS
BioProS: Bio-intelligent production sensor for measuring viral activity
AI-MATTERS as an innovation driver for AI in the European manufacturing sector
AIQualify simplifies AI system qualification
Innovative DC grid concept for a production site expansion by Lapp
How to improve AI models yourself
Digital Concept for Sustainability Management at Fischer
WisPE – Efficient Knowledge Externalization in Production
Systematic Evaluation of Rheology and Waveform Data for Jet-Ability Prediction Using Seiko RC1536 Printhead
Life cycle analysis for 3D printed PA11 and PA12 components
Evaluation of electrification technologies in the primary sector
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Career and development opportunities
Graduates / Professionals
School students
Cooperative study program
Your application
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Press Releases
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2016-06-02_Future Work Lab makes the Future tangible
2016-08-29_Cleanroom on demand
2016-09-15_The “MeBot” robotic wheelchair can climb steps on its own
2016-10-27_Demo model awarded prize for “Academic Excellence”
2016-11-08_Care-O-bot® 4 celebrates its première as shopping assistant
2017-03-02_Medical technology conference comes to Stuttgart
2017-03-02_Technology for the smart labs of the future
2017-03-02_The future of personal mobility, the role of the car and the importance of digitization
2017-03-20_The ROSIN project: towards an EU Digital Industrial Platform for Robotics through Open-Source Software
2017-07-04_Flexible proximity sensor creates smart surfaces
2017-09-06_Cleaning is just the beginning
2017-09-06_New VDI standards established for cleanroom technology
2017-09-06_Virtual technology center for efficient solar cells
2017-10-26_Automation to ensure quality in 3D printing
2017-10-26_IT tool makes machine data visible
2017-10-26_Online platform shows sustainable product lifecycle
2018-03-23_Combining the benefits of 3D printing and casting
CSI Internationale: Change of Secretariat and Presidency
Smart solution for plastics processing
Understanding what is important
Medical-technical competence center for prosthetics and orthotics established
Collaboration between Fraunhofer IPA and VDE Korea
Analytical tool identifies production errors and their causes in real time
Service Robotics for the Nursing Sector
Lydia HD at Medica 2018
2017-10-17_Fraunhofer IPA plans project center in Shanghai
60 Years IPA
2019-02-25 Hannover Messe
2015-05-18_Fraunhofer IPA develops prototype of intelligent care cart
2015-07-27_Intelligent and safe automation of assembly processes
2015-07-29_Factory of the Future on Research Campus
2015-08-26_Baden-Württemberg approves funding of EUR 2.4 million for development and manufacturing of solar cells
2015-09-09_Cable-driven parallel robots
2015-09-15_Cutting paper with ultrasound
2015-11-23_New Sensor Technologies and Mobile Robotics for Emotion-sensitive Assistance Systems
2016-02-25_Adopting ROS to develop industrial applications
2016-03-30_Automatica 2016: Fraunhofer IPA demonstrates the advantages of networked manufacturing components
2016-04-21_Flexible robot systems for digitalized production
2017-02-02_Future Work Lab makes work 4.0 tangible
2015-12-08_Robot for testing the lifetime of human-machine interfaces
Research campus ARENA2036
The virtual world conquers the manufacturing industry
Radar technology helps patients with limited mobility
Milestone in circular saw technology
Jelly with memory
Researchers simplify installation and programming of robot systems
2017-11-06_Direction: digital layering
2018-03-23_UV sphere makes applying paint quick and easy
2018-03-23_Sensitive grip
2018-03-28_Robot Navigation via the Cloud
2015-01-15_Robots as multifunctional gentlemen
2015-03-01_Do-it-yourself toolkit for soft robotics
2015-06-11_Cleanliness technology prize awarded
2015-09-15_International training concept on technical cleanliness inspection
2015-09-15_Smart components for shorter ramp-up phases
2015-11-23_New clamping device to protect the shape of semi-finished products
2017-03-02_Technology for the smart labs of the future
2015-12-01_Fraunhofer and the University of Auckland to co-develop a bionic elbow joint
The next industrial revolution will come from nature
2016-09-15_The “MeBot” robotic wheelchair can climb steps on its own
2017-10-17_Fraunhofer IPA plans project center in Shanghai
Radar technology helps patients with limited mobility
The virtual world conquers the manufacturing industry
Compressed Air Demo System
REACh directive
Audio technology for the operating theater
Koniku Project
Automated post-processing of CFRP components
3D-printed medical robots
Cyber Valley
New Management Team at Fraunhofer IPA in Stuttgart
A virtual experience of future manufacturing
“Access checker” remotely measures body temperature in addition to heart and breathing rate
Rapid help for hospitals
An impulse generator for the digital production era
Manufacturing successfully resumes after shut-down
Artificial Intelligence for Medical Technology
Researchers tackle skills shortage in Thailand
Employee-focused workplaces increase productivity
TRUMPF and Fraunhofer IPA ramping up artificial intelligence for industrial use
How Supply Chain Management will change by 2040
Thanks to AI, robots are learning how to perform assembly tasks
Fraunhofer IPA presents disinfection robot “DeKonBot”
Intelligent robots for targeted combating of viruses and bacteria
Harnessing the power of AI for robotics
New AI applications for SMEs in Baden-Württemberg
Making AI ready for safety-critical applications
Mastering Artificial Intelligence
Stereotactic systems from the 3D printer
3D-printed sensors
Mass production of fuel cells becomes a reality
Simple introduction to automation with robots
Quo vadis AI: Where does Germany stand?
Researchers at Fraunhofer develop a new robot for wipe disinfection of surfaces
Smart sensor detects leaks
The hospital of the future
A new robot for the healthcare sector transports items to patients’ rooms
Electrolyzers set to become mass products
Fuel cells set to substitute diesel generators
Massive Open Online Course for optimized patient care
Setting the pace in the age of digital production
Strategic partnership with Japanese engineering firm Sugino
Fraunhofer IPA joins euROBIN project with leading European research labs on AI-driven robotics
Digitization to conserve resources
Biointelligent sensor for measuring viral activity
Powered-up plastics
Machine learning improves the reprocessing of electronic waste
Technology for increased efficiency in production
Welding with robots: Systematically determining automation potential
Artificial Intelligence optimizes coffee blending
New technologies for the disassembly of electric vehicle batteries and motors
In four steps from idea to application: Successfully implementing tomorrow’s automation today
Powerful object recognition for diverse applications using AI and robotics
de:karb research project to show carbon footprint across the entire supply chain
Distributed artificial intelligence to improve patient care in the operating room
Autonomous outdoor navigation for machines used in farming, livestock and forestry
Easier and systematic qualification of AI applications
Carbon Nanotubes: a blessing or a curse?
Sensitive Arm Prostheses
Dieter Schwarz Foundation and Fraunhofer to Strengthen Heilbronn as a Robotics Research Hub
German premiere for European Robotics Forum: ERF in Stuttgart in March 2025
Short Messages
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2017-14-07_Top Iranian Scientist makes flying visit to IPA
2017-01-23_Singapore gets to grips with Digitization
Michael Hilt to become deputy institute director
2016-10-04_Ultraclean technology and micromanufacturing
Poject Center for Smart Manufacturing
IROS 2019
WearRAcon 2019
How Artificial Intelligence is enhancing the manufacturing of tomorrow
Free study outlines initial findings
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