In this study on robot offline programming (OLP) systems, Fraunhofer IPA carried out a broad market survey and then investigated hands-on functionalities offered by the leading providers. The experts identified all aspects of robotic manufacturing covered by OLP systems as well as key differentiating functionalities and current strategies for the coming years.
Firstly, we selected more than 30 assessment criteria for OLP features and performance in order to answer the following questions:
We gathered information on more than 20 OLP systems to evaluate the assessment criteria.
Secondly, we selected the OLP systems with the most advanced features and the best performance for a practical evaluation. We designed three scenarios reflecting a wide variety of OLP use-cases from the automotive production chain to welding in small and medium-sized companies. We implemented the scenarios in each of the selected OLP systems, thus allowing us to validate and extend the information.
As a result, we generated an extensive description of the state-of-the-art with great detail on all major features provided by OLP systems and validated these through hands-on testing. We ascertained the most relevant OLP systems, their advantages, drawbacks, and key differentiators. We also summarized the main trends that may determine future market leaders.