Press Releases

  • Carbon Nanotubes: a blessing or a curse?

    Press release April 2024 / April 17, 2024

    Many decision-makers find it difficult to realistically assess the opportunities and risks of carbon nanotubes, or CNTs for short. A white paper by Fraunhofer IPA and other experts provides the necessary background – understandable even for non-experts.

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  • Easier and systematic qualification of AI applications

    Prees release October 2023 / October 09, 2023

    A new software framework is to make it easier for companies to approve or audit applications based on Artificial Intelligence (AI). The framework is being jointly developed by Fraunhofer IPA in conjunction with the Institute of Industrial Manufacturing and Management IFF at the University of Stuttgart as part of the “AIQualify” research project of the German Association for Quality (DGQ).

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  • Research project DAIOR / 2023

    Distributed artificial intelligence to improve patient care in the operating room

    Prees release October 2023 / October 02, 2023

    A research team of scientists from the Fraunhofer IPA, the Bosch Digital Innovation Hub at Bosch Health Campus and the Institute of Image-Guided Surgery (IHU) of Strasbourg has jointly launched the DAIOR project (»Distributed Artificial Intelligence for the Operating Room«). Within the framework of the project, the project partners are working on realizing the operating room (OR) of the future with help of artificial intelligence (AI) and robot assisted telemedicine. To achieve this, the research team is pursuing two directions. The first is to develop federated learning approaches to exploit surgical data from different clinical centers and build new AI-methods to support surgeries in real time. The second is to deploy cross-site AI supported, robot assisted telesurgery, even across national borders.

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  • Autonomous and robust navigation is an essential capability for agricultural robots or machines that are to reach a new level of autonomy to manoeuver safely and reliably in their environment. Fraunhofer IPA will showcase what is currently technologically and economically feasible with live demos at agritechnica, the agricultural trade fair taking place in Hanover from November 12 to 18, 2023.

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  • Research project by Trumpf, Thyssenkrupp Materials Services and Fraunhofer IPA to mitigate the climate impact of sheet metal processing. The de:karb project will create an open platform enabling companies to determine a specific component’s carbon footprint. Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) is providing funding of 8.3 million euros.

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