Joyson is constantly planning to optimize the production network. In addition, the topic of "standardized factory layout" is being addressed. The heterogeneous tasks in the manufacturing require a segmentation of the locations according to their value-added tasks. The aim is to define clear site roles in order to enable clear development paths for all plants and a feasible comparison between them.
Joyson Safety Systems produces components, systems and technologies for mobility safety in a global production network with over 60 locations. This leads to heterogeneous factory structures, site tasks and factory goals.
In order to improve the configuration of the network, the Fraunhofer IPA was entrusted with the task of investigating possible standardizations of the factory layouts and testing their applicability. For both the analysis and the design, the project team followed the "site roles" approach. These roles define the mission, goals and thus the design of the individual production sites and reveal the current deviation from these roles (Configuration-Strategy-Gap). This ensures strategic clarity for the individual sites.
As part of the project, three ideal roles that support the overall corporate strategy were developed and it was investigated whether the roles could be transferred to the production network. In addition to that, a coherent vision diagram was created in parallel, which clearly illustrates the project results and the effect of the site roles on the network. The purpose of this is the group-wide communication of the project results.
With its factory layout strategy, the Fraunhofer IPA has created the prerequisites for a meaningful comparison between the 60 worldwide locations.