The Wittenstein Biointelligence Award will be awarded on 22 October 2024 as part of a festive ceremony at the "Biointelligence Congress" in Stuttgart. The first-placed start-up / company will receive €20,000, whereas the first-placed individual from a research institution will receive €5,000.
The biological transformation of industry is of decisive importance in order to make production sustainable without sacrificing prosperity.
The aim is to sustainably optimize established product and production structures by promoting innovative approaches at the interface of life sciences, engineering and information technology.
The Wittenstein Biointelligence Award recognizes novel approaches or solutions from the fields of biotechnology and information technology. The proposals submitted should demonstrate an effective integration of information technology, production engineering and biotechnology and present integrative approaches that are as holistic as possible.
Particular attention is paid to ensuring that the ideas have a clear impact on sustainability, for example by reducing the carbon footprint, promoting renewable energies, reducing waste or improving the ecological footprint.
Are you part of an innovation project? If so, take the opportunity to apply now! The deadline is the 7th August 2024.
Please send this completed application data sheet to event@ipa.fraunhofer.de.
Check the application data sheet for the conditions of participation. Please take note that all award money winners are responsible for paying tax on their own award money.
The Wittenstein Biointelligence Award is granted by the Wittenstein Foundation. The jury is composed of experts in the field of biointelligence: