Contamination-free production thanks to “second skin”
Not only more autonomous but also ultra-clean production is in increasing demand. “Clean production environments enable the high-tech technologies of the future,” explains Udo Gommel, Head of the Department of Ultra-Clean and Micro-Production at Fraunhofer IPA. “Tomorrow’s key technologies will only advance with purity technology. It is crucial: from battery production to biotechnology.”
In this context, the 2ndSCIN® protective cover (patent pending) makes dynamic automation components such as a robot ready for ultra-clean production. The sheath consists of a permeable, movable and multi-layered textile, which is modelled on human skin in its properties. Depending on the application, two or more layers can be superimposed. Each layer is separated by a spacer. In each interspace gap, air can be sucked in or removed, for example. In this way, particles originating from the environment or from the automation component can be removed. Delivering special gases to the interspaces of the system enables their sterilization, for example. In addition, the cover can be changed in about an hour and can be reused after decontamination. The textile layers are also equipped with sensors that continuously measure parameters such as particle concentration, chemical contamination, pressure and humidity. AI-based algorithms evaluate this sensor data and enable predictive maintenance, for example. “2ndSCIN® is extremely versatile in design, so we can implement individual requirements,” explains Udo Gommel. “In this way, we can address many requirements for cleanroom-compatible protective covers for components that existing products do not fulfil.”