Lightweight materials are materials of the future: through using lightweight design concepts and materials, our customers can increase the efficiency of their machinery in terms of energy requirements and thus reduce emissions. We also help our customers implement lightweight design systemically and use new materials to improve the technical properties of machinery and equipment.
Functional coatings constitute the consistent implementation of knowledge gained in the research field of nanotechnology. Coatings thus become multifunctional. New functions include, for example, the ability of damaged surfaces to self-repair, easy-to-clean finishes, or other effects that are tailored to technical applications, but which are reproducible. When it comes to sustainability and product personalization, this opens up promising new market potential for products and services.
Our services include feasibility studies, potential analyses, quick checks and development services. Project formats range from conducting compact analyses to tackling a specific issue about planning and commissioning a machine or plant. Other conceivable formats include short-term development projects as well as long-term strategic cooperations in the sense of a development partnership over several years.
If you have any questions or issues, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to discuss your ideas in a phone call, a video conference or a face-to-face meeting - get in touch!
Datum | Veranstaltung | Vortragstitel / Thema | Referent / Exponat | Kurzbeschreibung | Veranstalter |
TBD | Smarte Maschinen im Einsatz – effizient, sicher, nachhaltig mit KI | Wie macht man Künstliche Intelligenz robust, transparent und erklärbar? | Prof. Dr. Marco Huber | Was die Technologie heute schon leistet, welche Chancen und Risiken sie für die Industrie birgt – damit beschäftigt sich diese Konferenz. | Konradin Mediengruppe / Bild der Wissenschaft |