Manufacturing companies are often faced with major challenges when it comes to implementing digital transformation and planning the necessary steps. Which digitization projects should be started first? How should these projects be set up? How can digitization projects be designed and carried through efficiently? Who has the necessary expertise and overview of available digitalization technologies and methods?
We show you various approaches and methods that have already helped lots of companies get started with implementing their digital transformation in a systematic and structured way. In doing so, we draw on our experience from numerous projects that we have worked on with companies of all sizes, enabling us to identify use cases that are particularly suitable for digitization.
The methods used include Industrie 4.0 roadmapping, gap analysis and maturity assessments, which we have developed or extended ourselves. The focus is always on the expected benefit for the company as well as on the efficient and sustained implementation of the jointly developed solutions.
In our Online Assessment Center, we offer you two options for evaluating the level of your organization’s digital maturity in a quick and easy manner.
You can decide for yourself whether you want to make the maturity assessment on your own or whether you would prefer to do it with the aid of an expert from Fraunhofer IPA.