We have gained a wealth of experience in planning and implementing industrial assembly systems and obtained results from numerous research projects on assembly automation with robot systems. We develop for you and in collaboration with you, fully-automated or partially-automated solutions tailored to your assembly requirements.
Automated assembly of mounting rails with »pitasc«
Flexible assembly process with pitasc
Automation Potential Analysis-App (APA-App)
Assistive robot for riveting operations
Vollautomatische Applikation von selbstklebenden Türdichtungen mit Roboter
Konzeptstudie zur Mensch-Roboter-Kooperation zur Applikation einer selbstklebenden Türdichtung
Sichere Mensch-Roboter-Kooperation in der Montage
SMErobotics Trailer Video
Nieten, schrauben, klipsen: Viele Anwendungen. Eine Lösung.
INSITU – Intuitive und sichere Bedienung und Steuerung von Roboterassistenten