When it comes to robotics and automation solutions, Fraunhofer IPA has a wealth of expertise and extensive development results from which you can benefit. Individual licenses for our software and algorithms enable you to use our technologies on a long-term basis. In addition to expanding your portfolio, we also offer partnership collaborations for the distribution of automation solutions containing IPA technologies.
If you would prefer a long-term development cooperation instead, we will be happy to be at your side as a dependable partner. Draw on our expert knowledge and infrastructure to promote the extensive transfer of technology into practice within the cooperation and drive your technology forward.
You would like to integrate our development results into your automation solution in the long term and use them in your productive operations. One of our technologies can help you to expand your portfolio, position yourself in the market and form new customer bases. Perfect, then you can plan to use it for a long time.
More info Turnkey solution for bin-picking in cooperation with Liebherr-Verzahntechnik GmbH
More info Analysis of the potential to automate assembly processes (APA app)
You are a component developer or system provider, have a demand for innovation and are looking for dependable partners for a long-term development cooperation. Your aim is to promote extensive technology transfer within the partnership and to obtain a patent for your technology.