General information
After an illness or accident, it is important that patients regain their independence and mobility as soon as possible. Rehabilitation robot systems offer the potential to speed up the healing process through effective and intensified training. They can also help physiotherapists with physically-demanding tasks. Rehabilitation robots need to be very safe; they also have to be easy to operate intuitively without the need for in-depth technical knowledge.
Expertise and sample projects
Fraunhofer IPA has developed diverse robot systems for mobility support and training. For example, the rehabilitation robot Care-O-bot II could be used as an intelligent walking aid that adjusts automatically to the speed of the user while immediately detecting and preventing a fall. Its navigation system also enabled the rehabilitation robot to guide the user autonomously to a specific destination. To aid rehabilitation after a stroke or other illness where a patient has to learn to walk again, a mobile therapy robot has been developed to stabilize patients during training.
We use the skills and expertise we have gained through years of experience in service robotics to help you develop your specific rehabilitation robot. We support the entire development – from the concept to prototype construction.