Clean Automation Technology

Products determine the design of an appropriate production facility. Many of tomorrow‘s technologies require a specific level of cleanliness in manufacturing environment. This applies to almost every branch of industry where functionalized and extremely fine surfaces are taking hold.

Clean, fast and cost-effective – that’s what these factories have to be. The demand is for manufacturing processes that are gentle on resources, energy-efficient and guarantee consistent quality. It’s often difficult to answer the question “What should the clean production facility look like?”

To ensure a fast ramp-up and optimized production process, different aspects need to be taken into consideration depending on the application concerned. Again and again, our experts identify new potentials and help master challenges. In addition to offering our expertise in software and hardware solutions for controlling in-house material flows, we work together with you to plan and realize anything from individual systems to complete manufacturing environments for your clean factory of tomorrow.


Data Analysis, Visualisation and Interaction

The more complex the products, the more complex their production - but how to deal with the multitude of data and parameters? It is crucial to have the right information available in the best possible format.


Cleanliness-Suitable Handling of Sensitive Products

High throughputs, low costs and all that coupled with error-free results – the automated handling of fragile, contamination-sensitive substrates places high demands not only on systems and their components but also on control and parameterization.


Sustainable Development Processes

Each result starts with an idea – whether it will be successful or not depends not only on the specifics of the product concerned but also on other factors, one of them being the market. From feasibility studies to business plans: structured planning assures long-term success.


Test Environment for Industrial Communication

Systems are increasingly communicating and thereby enable new data-based business models. Can the existing infrastructure meet the new requirements for industrial communication? What will be the impact of changes or extensions? A preliminary check enables long-term planning security.



FlexNote makes it easy to record defects, improvement suggestions and machine settings. The immediate, role-specific distribution of relevant information reduces the number of queries.



InsideOut visualises a real machine and its movements. By storing the data, processes and parameters of the last hours can be displayed correctly, the behaviour can be analysed and thus errors and problems can be detected and corrected.



The connection and analysis of existing systems as well as the testing of new functions for the digital expansion of future systems represent the main area of application of the StationConnector.