Companies with clean/hygienic manufacturing areas have to use cleanliness-suitable consumables. However, end-users and suppliers are often unable to fully assess the extent of cleanliness suitability. On the one hand, this uncertainty can lead to exaggerated demands or, on the other hand, to considerable contamination potentials.
This has resulted in the need to accurately evaluate the suitability of consumables with regard to various cleanliness criteria. These criteria are also essential in order to be able to make comparisons. To achieve this objective, in collaboration with industrial partners, Fraunhofer IPA is founding the industrial alliance »Cleanroom Suitable Consumables« (CSC). The industrial alliance is made up of end-users from various branches of industry as well as manufacturers and suppliers of consumables.
All areas of industry; All companies involved in clean/hygienic manufacturing
Accurate assessment of consumables with regard to cleanliness suitability and comparability
In a first step, an in-depth work paper will be drawn up for all relevant consumables, contaminants, cleanliness states and mechanisms (overview of relevant specifications, selection of test methods, determination of assessment criteria)
In a second step, an application will be made for a work group to develop an international standard at ISO level.