Are you thinking about implementing new software to support your order and production management processes? Are you lacking specific service-orientated applications as you advance towards Industry 4.0?
IT solutions to support processes cost manufacturing companies a lot of money. An excessive amount of IT solutions and faulty investments in IT can only be avoided if an IT strategy is chosen correctly. A consistent IT system landscape enables business and value processes to run smoothly and efficiently.
We help you select and implement the right software, taking your existing business processes and specific company procedures into account. We draw on our market knowledge of ERP, SCM, MES, APS and configuration solutions to find and implement a solution to suit your needs. Alternatively, we take your current solution and adapt it as required.
Specific company requirements sometimes call for individual software solutions. We supply customized easy-to-use tools for this. Our specific tools provide innovative solutions to problems related to order management and production.
Our holistic approach makes sure that a company’s business processes are optimally supported with a harmonized IT system landscape – now and in the future.