Most providers make it difficult for companies to find the right IT system and operate it on their own without this involving a large amount of time and money. The market dynamics of production-related IT systems exacerbate the situation. Whatever you need, whether it is SCM, ERP, APS, order/product configurators, MES, PPS or BDE: as an objective partner with in-depth industrial and research experience in this field, Fraunhofer IPA assists manufacturing companies with the following:
- Efficient and assured selection of production-related IT: supplier-independent, supported by tried and tested tools and methods – fully adapted to your requirements
- Efficient and assured implementation of production-related IT: longstanding experience, systematic project management, target-orientated project progress
- Efficient and assured optimization of production-related IT: close intermeshing of business processes and IT, implementation of built-in IT technologies, identification of potentials, systematic implementation
Fraunhofer IPA offers a wide range of interdisciplinary methods for evaluating and improving IT performance to support business processes:
- IT efficiency check and analysis of IT / software landscape: with our efficiency check, we identify potentials for improvement and show you how to exploit them.
- Selection of suitable IT / software solutions: the systematic procedure ensures that all options available on the market are evaluated to find out which one is best-suited to your requirements. To select the right software, Fraunhofer IPA uses a comprehensive and powerful database containing lists of all the main German-speaking suppliers.
- Implementation of IT / software solutions: Fraunhofer IPA implements a standardized procedure and checklists that have proved useful in numerous projects. We also make the necessary adjustments to your system parameters to ensure that efficiency is improved fast: refinement of the concept, efficient project management, training courses, test mode configuration and execution, start-up.
- Project reorganization and turnaround: we are also an objective partner if you need advice on IT projects that have reached an impasse. The problem with IT projects is that time schedules are often too tight and expectations too high. This leads to workers becoming demotivated and projects grinding to a halt. The experts at Fraunhofer IPA assess your project competently and methodically. They make the necessary alterations or even reorganize it completely, drawing up an implementation roadmap and proceeding with the project right up to go-live.
- Optimization of existing IT / software solutions: despite using IT tools, logistic targets are sometimes still not reached or only with a disproportionate amount of effort. Fraunhofer IPA optimizes the performance and efficiency of your software by improving master and transaction data. It also implements and parameterizes planning methods appropriately.