Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing

© Fraunhofer IPA


Fraunhofer IPA has made artificial intelligence (AI) one of its key topics and has greatly expanded its consulting, funding and implementation services. These include feasibility studies, quick checks and workshops, as well as the development of complex technical manufacturing modules based on machine learning (ML).

Project formats range from short-term, compact studies on particular issues to long-term strategic cooperations. Further activities include lectures, training courses and publications.

Make the most of our expertise to add more value to your business!


Services and expertise

Modern factories use cognitive systems in almost all production phases.

AI Innovation Center – Learning Systems and Cognitive Robotics

Fraunhofer IPA is a member of Cyber Valley - one of Europe’s largest research collaborations in the field of AI.

Cooperation formats

We provide these formats so that you can exploit the potential of AI technologies.



Brief explanations of the terms artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning.


Dependable AI

AI in critical applications must be verifiable, traceable and robust.


Reference projects

Here you will find some examples of research and industry projects and initiatives.
